Apple Computers Mac Technology

Help: My MacBook (Air/Pro) Won’t Charge!

I had a panic attack today. I had left my MacBook Air inside its sleeves and on my bookshelf for a week since I didn’t have an immediate need for it and I didn’t want someone stealing it. I took it out today to prepare it for a trip overseas, only to find that my MacBook Air wasn’t charging and the charger LED wasn’t turning on. I opted not to buy the extended AppleCare, and mine expired a few months ago. I looked up the cost for a new charger to find out it’ll cost me $79. $79!!! I knew of Apple and their premium prices, but I still found it shocking.


Apple Random Technology

Number One Reason to Go With a Mac

Mac OS X vs Windows. This subject is talked to death on a daily basis, but what really sets them apart? Given that the only way to buy a Mac is to pay a premium to Apple as opposed to Windows being offered by multiple providers, one can see why Windows has the majority of the market. Even so, if you follow the trend these days, you will notice the Mac OS is eating away little chunks of the market month by month, with 10% being within sight. But why should you buy an expensive Mac over a Windows PC? Aside from the usual list of pros and cons, one major factor is overlooked by many: its resell value.

Apple iPhone Technology

How to fix your unresponsive iPhone 4 home button without opening it up

Do you have an iPhone 4 with an unresponsive home button? It’s quite frustrating isn’t it? It was for me, but after struggling with it using various fix methods over the last few months, I no longer have the problem. Rather than taking your iPhone apart to replace your home button, try this simple solution first and see if it fixes your problem.

Apple Technology

Apple to Trump Microsoft?

Apple’s reports vs Microsoft’s reports show that Apple topped Microsoft in 3rd quarter revenue (source).

Back in May, it was announced the Apple surpassed Microsoft and became the 2nd largest U.S. company by market capitalization. I believe it won’t be long before Apple makes Microsoft the littler man it is like facebook did with myspace.

Apple Technology

Steve Jobs Documentary

Click here to watch a 48 minute documentary on Steve Jobs.

I never really cared for the Apple company or any of its products until I bought my first mobile device: the iPhone 3G.  The phone was amazing, there was no device like it at the time, and I’d spend a good chunk of my free time fiddling with it or playing games. With the release of the iPad, which I have yet to purchase, it further perked my interest in the company. With just a few months shy from the release of the iPhone 4, I started checking up on Apple news and conferences on a regular basis. I found myself reading a lot about the company (e.g. Macrumors) and before I knew I was headed to Apple fandom.