Cookie Run Fan Fictions

Royal Siblings and the Soul Jam Rescue

Once, in the vibrant realm of the Cookie Kingdom, there resided the Vanilla Kingdom family, revered not just for their lineage but also for their unmatched courage and valor. The family comprised of the brave Royal Milk Tea Cookie, the wise Choco Vanilla Cookie, the resourceful Strawberry Crepe Cookie, and the innocent yet fierce Angel Cookie. Each sibling had a unique strength, but together, they were unstoppable.

Life in the Cookie Kingdom was usually peaceful until one day, an eerie silence enveloped their grand castle. The Royal Siblings soon realized that their beloved parents, White Lily Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie, had mysteriously vanished.

Upon investigation, the siblings discovered a ransom note left behind by the notorious Soul Jam Sorcerer. The note revealed that he had kidnapped their parents and trapped their souls in the mythical Soul Jam, a relic that had the power to imprison souls for eternity. The Sorcerer demanded control over the Cookie Kingdom in exchange for their release.

But the Royal Siblings were not ones to be threatened. They knew that rescuing their parents required more than just bravery; it required unity, strategy, and the combined might of all their unique skills.

With Choco Vanilla Cookie’s wisdom, they deciphered an ancient prophecy which spoke of the Soul Jam’s location in the treacherous Caramel Caves. Royal Milk Tea Cookie, using his leadership, devised a plan of approach, ensuring everyone played to their strengths. Strawberry Crepe Cookie, with his resourcefulness, gathered rare ingredients that could counteract the Soul Jam’s enchantments, while Angel Cookie, despite being the smallest, revealed her ability to communicate with the spirits, guiding their path through the mystical caves.

Inside the Caramel Caves, they encountered numerous challenges: from navigating sticky caramel pits to battling candy golems. But the biggest challenge awaited them in the heart of the cave, where the Soul Jam Sorcerer had prepared a grand trap.

As they confronted the Sorcerer, the room plunged into darkness. The Sorcerer believed that he had the upper hand. But little did he know that Angel Cookie’s spiritual connection would be their secret weapon. She summoned spirits of past cookies, who distracted the Sorcerer, giving Strawberry Crepe Cookie just enough time to use the ingredients he’d gathered to neutralize the Soul Jam’s power.

The Soul Jam glowed brightly, then shattered, releasing the trapped souls of White Lily Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie. The once-mighty Soul Jam Sorcerer, realizing he was outmatched, fled the caves, vowing vengeance.

The Royal Siblings, having rescued their parents, returned to their kingdom as heroes. The entire Cookie Kingdom celebrated their bravery, unity, and the undying bond of family.

From that day on, tales of the “Royal Siblings and the Soul Jam Rescue” became legendary, reminding every cookie in the kingdom about the power of love, unity, and family.

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